• Students must come punctually to the school 15 minutes before the school time in clean, tidy and in school uniform. Otherwise he / she will not be allowed to sit in the classes and are liable to be sent home.

  • During class time no pupil is allowed to leave the school compound without proper permission from the Principal.

  • Class will begin at prescribed time. Parents must make sure that their children reach the school 5 minutes before the class begins.

  • Private tuition is discouraged while daily study, asking question in class and clarification of doubts in class are encouraged.

  • For leave of absence previous sanction is to be obtained from the Principal in writing.

  • Leave of absence during the term will not be granted except under very special circumstances.

  • Request for leave on medical ground must be supported by a certificate of a registered medical practitioner. In this case the application must be forwarded at last on the second or third day of the leave.

  • If any student is continuously absent from the school without any information for more than 15 days his / her name will strike off from the register.

  • Parents should not visit the students without the permission of the Principal.

  • Guardians should see that their ward has done the hometask given to his / her daily.

  • Students should not bring any costly articles or money to the school. The school authorities will in no way responsible for costly items brought to the school and lost.

  • Parents should not visit the class teachers without the permission of the Principal.

  • No student will be allowed to remain for more than two years in the same class.

  • Students may be required to attend extra classes on any working day after school hours or on holidays, provided they have been informed on the previous day. Students themselves must make the alternative for their conveyance etc., if necessary.

  • Respect your elders and teachers wherever you meet them and greet them with respect and love.

  • Before and after every class, stand up for prayer.

  • No books, magazines, comics etc. other than those provided by the school, will be allowed in the hands of pupils unless signed by the Principal.

  • No child is allowed to bring mobile phone to the school. Using mobile phone in the school premises is strictly prohibited.

  • No exemption shall be given from the school programmes and functions. Every student is supposed to take part and co-operate in the various school activities such as cultural programmes, sports and games, drill etc.